Anaïs Odin, Dominique Faletto-Passy, Franck Assaban, Dominic Pérennou
Internal models of verticality: neuromodulation by suspended walking and tilted virtual reality immersion? - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neucli.2016.09.087
The search for techniques to modulate the sense of verticality is an important challenge for the rehabilitation of balance disorders associated with lateropulsion or retropulsion (stroke, Parkinson's, etc.). In this pilot study in healthy subjects, we tested two techniques likely to modulate the sense of verticality: immersion in a tilted virtual room (visual information) and suspended walking (somesthetic information).
Recenti M, Ricciardi C, Aubonnet R, Picone I, Jacob D, Svansson HÁR, Agnarsdóttir S, Karlsson GH, Baeringsdóttir V, Petersen H and Gargiulo P (2021)
Toward Predicting Motion Sickness Using Virtual Reality and a Moving Platform Assessing Brain, Muscles, and Heart Signals. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 9:635661. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2021.635661
Many theories explaining a probable cause for MS have been proposed but the most prominent is the sensory conflict theory, stating that a mismatch between vestibular and visual signals causes MS. Few measurements have been made to understand and quantify the interplay between muscle activation, brain activity, and heart behavior during this condition. We introduce here a novel multimetric system called BioVRSea based on virtual reality (VR), a mechanical platform and several biomedical sensors to study the physiology associated with MS and seasickness...
Matthew William Wittstein, BSc, MSc, PhD, Anthony Crider, PhD, [...], and Mariana Guerena Gonzalez, BSc
Use of Virtual Reality to Assess Dynamic Posturography and Sensory Organization: Instrument Validation Study. JMIR Serious Games, 2020 Oct-Dec; 8(4): e19580
Conclusion: This research demonstrated the plausibility of using VR as an alternative method to conduct the SOT. Ongoing development and testing of virtual environments are necessary before employing the technology as a replacement to current clinical tests.
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La Réalité Virtuelle, outil de réactivation de la neuroplasticité dans l'hémiplégie chronique ", Revue Neurologique, 175, S1, pages S75-S76 (2019).
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Su-Yi Hsu, Te-Yung Fang, Shih-Ching Yeh, Mu-Chun Su, Pa-Chun Wang &Victoria Y. Wang (2016)
Three-dimensional, virtual reality vestibular rehabilitation for chronic imbalance problem caused by Ménière's disease: a pilot study, Disability and Rehabilitation :
Conclusion: Virtual reality vestibular rehabilitation may be useful in patients with Ménière's disease, particularly those in the early stages or having mild functional disability.
Garcia, A. P., Ganança, M. M., Cusin, F. S., Tomaz, A., Ganança, F. F., & Caovilla, H. H. (2013).
Vestibular rehabilitation with virtual reality in Ménière's disease. Brazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology, 79(3), 366-374:
CONCLUSION: Body balance rehabilitation with virtual reality stimuli effectively improved symptoms of dizziness, quality of life, and Limits of Stability of patients with Ménière's disease.